Willow is a fantastic material to use in sculpture. I use one year old growth (withies or rods) from coppiced willow trees, some of which I grow and harvest locally myself. It would be hard to think of a more sustainable material.
I have loved and been inspired by the natural world since I was a child and the ability to work as a Willow Artist and make willow sculptures representing the essence of animals, birds and other living forms now brings me great pleasure. I love to represent movement and vitality in my work. My willow sculptures appear to have just paused in their setting before they are ready to move on. One of the nicest things anyone has said about my animal sculptures is that you can always see where they are looking!
The excellence of Caroline’s work as a Willow Artist and Basketmaker has been recognised by her admission as Yeoman Member of the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers.
These images give you a taste of some of the Willow Sculptures I have been working on. To see more of my work, please take at look at my complete Gallery.
I run courses and workshops in Willow Sculpture and Basketmaking throughout the year, here are some of my upcoming workshops, or you can see all of them here
There are only 3 places left on this workshop.
There are only 2 places left on this workshop.
The latests news about Willow Sculpture and Basketmaking by Caroline Gregson, Willow Sculptor. More posts…