Working with School Groups
I have led many successful workshops over the years, working with groups in schools throughout the age range from preschool through junior school to high school.
Children love working with willow and often surprise themselves (and their teachers) with the quality of the work they are able to produce, leading to a great sense of achievement.
I can design workshops in several different ways, some of the most popular have proved to be:
- A single class, all working in pairs or threes tasked to make a small bird sculpture or similar. Suitable for Yr 6 upward. One Day
- Class or year group, taking groups of six at a time to work on a larger communal sculpture. One or Two Days
- The whole school, taking groups of six at a time to work on a larger communal sculpture. One or Several Days
I have also provided enhancement workshops for GCSE and A level using the students’ existing work as inspiration.
My method of working means the sculptures are portable. Consequently, we can work inside or out providing there is sufficient space. I love working outside with the children, but torrential rain can dampen even the most enthusiastic!
If you are interested in discussing ideas for a Willow Creative Arts Project at your school then please get in touch.
Please note that I have been Enhanced DBS checked for working with children and I do projects with both Living Willow (from January through to March) and Non Living Willow (all year).
The following images show a selection of outcomes from some of my Schools Willow Sculpture Workshops ( don’t feel limited by these pictures, I am happy to consider making anything!):