Sorry, all workshops in May and June have been cancelled
Sorry but I have had to cancel my sculpture workshop on 24/04/2020
What are my plans?
What’s been going on, why haven’t I been posting stuff?
Willow sculpture workshops with Caroline Gregson in 2020 are now available for booking.
Gift cards can be purchased for any value and can be used to purchase sculptures or to reserve a place on a willow sculpture workshop.
I will be updating my willow sculpture workshop schedule in the next few weeks with 2020 dates.
Willow sculpture course, 2 days at Zantium Studios near Wirksworth Derbyshire. Only one place left.
New dates for the remaining 2018 willow sculpture workshops are now on my workshops page. I don’t dictate what you can make during the day and am quite happy to help you to work in an abstract way if animals aren’t your thing. Most people complete some sort of bird in a day but if you work quickly then the sky’s the limit! In past years my November workshop has become a bit Christmas themed, with reindeer heads and other decorations proving popular, but I’m happy to show you whatever you like.
I have been working since February as part of the core team of builders constructing the relica Bronze Age Roundhouse at Beeston Castle in Cheshire. All the work has been done with the sort of tools that Bronze Age people would have had available, so axes, adzes and chisels have played a big part in my life this year! From a big pile of trees back in February to the beautiful building you can see now, we are all very proud.
Caroline has been commissioned to make a new willow sculpture for The Marie Curie Garden at Gardeners World Live at The NEC from 13th -16th June.
Come along and meet her, and have a go at a bit of willow weaving yourself with her help, on Thursday 13th June on The Marie Curie Garden. A great charity and one close to Caroline’s heart.